除有災害防救辦公室統籌外,高雄市莫拉克颱風災後重建推動委員會也已經做好防災準備、疏散撤離安置演練及國土復育計畫等準備,在各地區均已備妥避難屋及避難物資, 尤其是居住在山區的民眾,也已建置各區撤離人員名冊,依颱風豪雨預測雨量、道路通阻狀況、道路修復預估時間,就近安置於避難處所、避難屋或下山撤離安置於國軍營區等方案。
Kaohsiung City Disaster Prevention and Relief Office Initiates Flood Prevention Program
In order to cope with the disasters brought about by extreme weather, the Kaohsiung City Government established a “Kaohsiung City Disaster Prevention and Relief Office” on 15 March 2011. This is the first such office in Taiwan specializing in disaster prevention and relief, and in cooperation with the “Advisory Committee for Disaster Prevention and Response”.
Chen Chu, mayor of Kaohsiung City, in her speech during the office’s inaugural ceremony, stated that extremeties of climate may bring about disasters at anytime and precaution is the best approach. The establishment of this office is an important milestone for disaster prevention and relief in Kaohsiung, and it underscores the determination of municipal officials to face the prospect of unpredictable disasters with a responsible attitude. Our approach to integrate disaster prevention and response systems will ensure that any harm from such events is kept to an absolute minium