2011年12月28日 星期三

好山好水好元氣 主題遊賞高雄趣


Four Favorurite Touring Routes For Exploring Kaohsiung 

With the imminent approach of the Lunar New Year, so comes the best time for touring the Cishan, Sanlin, Jiasian, Maolin, Liouguei and Namasia disctricts of Kaohsiung. Although all were within the path of devastation brought about by Typhoon Morakot, redevelopment efforts over the past two years have given the areas a new look. In this issue we present four touring routes: a visit to Old Jhongshan Street in Kaohsiung’s Cishan District, the Baolai Hot Springs in the Liugui District, an Eco-tour of Maolin, and a shopping tour for local agricultural specialties in the districts of Sanlin, Jiashan and Namasia. No matter what your tastes in travel, Kaohsiung has something for everyone!

