2011年10月30日 星期日

大愛二期交屋入厝 重建迎向新階段


 Da Ai Community Second Phase Permanent Housing Has Come to Completion! Reconstruction Reaches the Significant Milestone

It's been two years now since the devastation of  Typhoon Marocot, and the construction work of the homes for the affected residents in Sanlin District has gradually come to completion. A tea party, highlighted by Kaohsiung City Mayor, Chen Chu, handing over to the residents the gifts and the keys to the new permanent houses, was held on October 2nd this year. At the ceremony Mayor Chen announced that the city government has been actively striving for the commitments from the central government for two hundred and eighty million New Taiwan Dollars for beautification, an activity center and construction of flood control facilities. She added that Kaohsiung would provide assistance to develop cultural tourism as well as a diversity of industries such that an adequate living standard could be sustained and provided to the residents of the community.

圖說     高雄市長陳菊親自轉交永久屋鑰匙,表示將全力讓重建區居民安居樂業。(高雄市政府新聞局提供)

圖說  大愛園區二期全部完工,居民10月起陸續入住(王御風攝影)

圖說  大愛一期居民用搓湯圓傳統習俗歡迎新入住的二期居民,象徵團圓、圓滿(高雄市政府新聞局提供)

